

At Alternative Garden the gardener is the artist of your garden.

It is them who will have the final say in the care of your plants and finally to weave together the atmosphere and harmony of your garden as it was designed.

Our specialty is the private market such as individual customers, condominiums or even hotels and restaurants.

Maintaining your garden begins with knowing its history and its use. It is in this sense that our approach aims to be tailor-made for each of your gardens.

The main services:

– Annual or occasional maintenance,

– Diagnosis of the tree heritage, size and pruning,

– Recycling and recovery of waste,

– Maintenance of walls, bins, furniture, lighting, irrigation,

– Soil enrichment and biodynamics,

– Flowering and plant replacement.

“It is the gardener’s sense of observation and their caring touch that promote the health of your plants, views and perspectives.”