conception paysagère

landscape design

Alternative Garden is by your side from the initial stages of landscape design to the final project. 

Whether you want a total renovation or a partial improvement of your spaces, we will share our skills with enthusiasm, love of beauty and elegance.

Our landscaping is unique from one project to another, it is your expectations and your environment that are our top priority. Our values ​​are to combine our specialized knowledge and global, eco-friendly vision. During the project, we are committed to working hard to make sure we meet both your budget and deadlines.

What is Landscape Design for Alternative Garden ?

– Composing plant scenes mixed with rocks and gravel while taking into account the context;

– Highlighting the garden through the rhythm of the seasons and the diversity of materials;

– Enhancing outdoor areas to make them good to live in, both in privacy and in sharing;

– Keeping in mind eco-responsibility.

“Our commitment is to guarantee you a personalized design following closely your expectations and wishes while sharing our ideas and identity.”

We run a continual customized analysis of your project that may consist of:

– Mass lay-out of the existing space to ensure a customized project is put together,

– Pre-project ground plans,

– Sketches,

– Photographic boards of materials and plants,

– Detailed botanical file,

– Cuts,

– Technical plans (irrigation, earthworks, lighting, roads),

–A quote or estimate for the cost of the work.

Our commitment is to guarantee you a personalized design and adapt it as closely as possible to your requirements while sharing our ideas and identity.

Alternative Garden